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The joy of a morning yoga practice: my journey from shame to recognition.
I was never a "morning person" As a young person I felt that mornings were for sleeping in. I deeply cherished my nights. I believed that...
Deepavali - the festival of lights
Diwali or Deepavali is also known as the festival of lights. Diwali is a time for new beginnings and it celebrates the victory of good...
Why do we chant OM?
Om is one of the most chanted sounds and symbols in a yoga class. It has a powerful effect on the student of yoga. Mantras begin with Om,...
Yoga is hopeful
Many understand that yoga is a philosophy and way of life. This philosophy can help us to live an engaged and meaningful existence. Yoga...
What does it mean to decolonize yoga?
Yoga has become synonymous with bendy skinny fit people contorting themselves into shapes. When we think about what yoga is we may...
Embracing imperfection
Yoga is often portrayed as a serene, effortless practice, with practitioners gracefully flowing with ease through sequences like poetry...
How do we make a yoga posture 'work'?
Yoga asana (posture) may not be the only part of yoga; however, it is a very impactful and powerful part of the practice Yoga has been...
"Cultural appropriation takes place when members of a majority group adopt cultural elements of a minority group in an exploitative,...
Set up your meditation practice for success
Meditation promotes a deep and tranquil state of being. This ancient and sacred practice is the foundation of spiritual deepening. The...
What does it mean to "advance" in yoga?
When we think about advancing in yoga we might think it has to do with intense postures and poses. A google search of "advanced yoga"...
5 reasons your home yoga practice isn’t working
Many people want to cultivate a home practice but struggle making it stick. We have busy, hectic lives and while we know that yoga helps...
Show up for your yoga using these techniques
In the Yoga sutras, Patanjali explains that yoga requires discipline and consistency (1.14) Yoga is a discipline, a way of life, and...
Kitchari: the yogis favorite food
kitchari the healing one-pot meal
5 Reasons to practice yoga regularly
Yoga is well-known as a practice for mental and physical well-being. Yoga's ancient Indian roots describe the wholistic nature and...
New Year Yoga Resolutions. Good or Bad?
In yoga, we call intention setting "Sankalpa" (pronounced Sun-Kulp-Uh in Sanskrit, and Sun-kulp in Hindi) Sankalpa is more than resolve....
How can we avoid Cultural Appropriation as students & teachers of yoga?
(Image description: Amazon product: bathroom mats featuring Hindu God, Ganesha) “Cultural appropriation takes place when members of a...
In yoga philosophy, why are the deities represented the way they are?
How do we relate to deities in yoga? Some take deities to be living energies that existed at one time, and continue to exist in some way,...
HABIT STACKING for success in yoga.
Are you struggling to maintain a regular yoga or meditation practice? Are you feeling the struggle to stick with it, challenge in...
How to start and maintain a regular yoga practice.
One of my goals as a yoga teacher is to take my students beyond the weekly class, and help them to establish a sacred practice of their...
Have you tried a walking meditation?
There are many ways to cultivate and sustain a meaningful meditation and yoga practice. One way is a walking meditation. This practice is...
Does a fitness tracker help your practice?
Loves, what if we removed the watches that track “progress” when we practice yoga āsana? After all, what does progress in yoga mean? Yoga...
What’s a yoga posture supposed to “feel" like?
In the Yoga Sutras 2.46, Maharishi Patanjali writes, “Sthira Sukham Āsanam" Sthira - steadiness and stability like the roots of a tree...
This is a picture of me after doing my practice. I'm wearing my husband's old, torn (but oh-so-soft) oversized cotton t-shirt, and...
The 4 paths of yoga
Karma Yoga ~ the yoga of selfless service. This yoga is so relevant during these times. Karma yoga, is one of the four paths of yoga...
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