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This is a picture of me after doing my practice. I'm wearing my husband's old, torn (but oh-so-soft) oversized cotton t-shirt, and drawstring pajama pants.⁠ Loose, comfortable clothing is my preferred gear as it makes movement easy and allows spacious deep breathing. ⁠


I support folks wearing whatever they want to practice asana. If you like fitness gear, go for it! Some days I like that too! I've practiced in pajamas, a dress, loose clothing, fitted clothing, traditional clothing...anything works.⁠


Do you need tight-fitting or branded clothing to do yoga? Heck no!⁠


In fact, many folks can't afford those clothes, or feel comfortable in them and then think that yoga is not for them.⁠


Taking a decolonized approach to yoga makes it accessible.⁠


Let's look critically at the western industrial yoga complex which encourages us to buy expensive gear to make us look a certain way for a practice that is actually not about focusing on the external. ⁠


Yoga is for everybody. Wear what you want xoxo⁠

[Image: Aarti standing on her mat wearing a large t-shirt and pajama pants]

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